Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chicago Puking Butterflies plus a Runalicious Winner!

Yes, I apologize for not blogging much this past week.  I am gearing up for my very first marathon in Chicago this weekend, and I am utterly, pukifingly, butterfly swarming nervous!!!  I try not to think about it, but then someone else comes up to me and asks me if I am nervous...What the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks do you think???  Would you be nervous if you had to go run longer than you have ever had to a different city where you are driving over 5 hrs to get to, with family coming with you to cheer you on, and with a crowd that I know will be amazing, but will make me that much more nervous...would you be nervous if you had to run
26.2 miles?!?!?

Yes freakin way I am nervous!  I'm so nervous it makes me want to cry to think about it.  I have sooo many doubts in my head about this, and it just SUCKS!!!  I want this to be fun, and I want to enjoy this, but I just keep thinking back to my 1/2 marathon in April, where I just knew I was ready, and then because of the nerves, and the excitement around me, and everything else, I blew it...I didn't run like I wanted to, and I doubted myself the whole way.  How the heck can I get over this before Sunday, so I can just relax...take it all in, and enjoy it!  All I want to do is enjoy it....I'm starting to cry as I type this....

So, you can see why I haven't blogged all week...I know everyone has such postive posts out there about all of their goals for their marathon...Goal A, Goal B, Goal C....and I feel I should be just as positive, but on a strong face and set MY goals, but right now, that is not what I want to do....right now I want to get over these stupid nerves and stupid self-doubts and enjoy this!!!  I want this to be an accomplishment I remember forever...but in a positive way!  This may be my only marathon I ever run, and I want it to be something I am proud of.
So, as I take the next day or so to figure out how to overcome all of my issues, I will announce the winner to the Runalicious shirt giveaway. 
This giveaway was one of my best, as far as responses.  It looks like the Runalicious girls should be proud...EVERYONE loves their stuff!  So, if your not the winner, out of the 108 enteries, don't fret...just hurry over to their website and order something...It can be an early Christmas present to yourself!

So, I used, and out of 108 enteries, it chose #75

Yea for you!!!  Please email me your mailing address, and I will get your shirt out to you soon!

Thank you for everyone who entered...and thank you to the Runalicious girls for hosting such a GREAT giveaway!
I hope to be better spirits...with 26.2 miles under my week! 



Velma said...

You are going to be great. FORGET about goals or time. Seriously. Just have fun the first one and pace yourself.

Runners Fuel said...

I know I will be nervous for my first. Just think of this as another run. What's the worst that can happen? Nothing to worry about, you'll do great!

Unknown said...

YOU ARE GOING TO DO GREAT! You know why? Because you are going to do something not very many people have the balls to do! Run 26.2 miles!!!!

I can't imagine how nervous you are because I'm nervous for a stupid 5k lol. For those nerves maybe some yoga and meditation can help? Hey, maybe even a boxing class!! pretend the bag are your fears and go to town on that bad boy!!!

Cynthia said...

Those are exactly my feelings! I am running my first marathon, Portland Marathon, on Sunday and I am nervous as heck. When other people ask me if I'm nervous i seriously want to just say WTH you would be if you were running 26.2!! I'm also traveling to Portland, its only about 3 hours away but I have to stay in a hotel with my hubby and son which means I can't just go to my nice quite room for bed. Plus I couldn't get Monday off work so we have to drive back home same day as my marathon. And on top of that the hotel won't allow late check out so I won't even be able to shower. BUT I have to try not to think about that stuff and just try to have fun.
I hope things go smoothly for you. Try to stay positive. That's what I'm trying to do at least :)

Sherry @ Life from my persective said...

Stephanie -

I feel for you, I too get really nervous. I vote with the others... try to just think of it as another training run. It's your first so you don't have to prove anything... the fact that you will run 26.2 miles is proof enough of how hard you have worked. Relax and enjoy as much as you can. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

KovasP said...

You will do great - Chicago is a great course, especially for a first marathon. Those butterflies will carry you the whole way!

Meredith said...

My stomach started turning for you as I read your post! Hoping for your butterflies to settle and that you will just enjoy the run on Sunday! Just think of the amazing accomplishment and maybe go watch a little Spirit of the Marathon to prepare. Good luck!

misszippy said...

Nerves are totally normal! I still get them, and I am working on marathon number nine. Just tell yourself you are going to finish, no matter what, and it will happen. You'll have down moments in the race (everyone does!) but know that better moments will come soon--it really is a roller coaster race, but you can do it!


Anonymous said...

ull do great. its natural to be nervous. i am very nervous to do mine too!!!!

eeekkk....sooo clooose

good luck!

Heather said...

You will be great!!
Keep visualizing yourself crossing that finish line.

Healthy Heather said...

Goals, schmoles. Crossing the finish line is the goal! you ARE ready and you will do great. :) Enjoy Chicago, too, my fave town.

Rae said...

I get nervous for my races too and they're just 5Ks! So I can totally see myself freaking out over a Marathon. I say, give yourself one more day or two to freak out. Freak out all you want. Yell, cry, whatever you need to do. Then after that, you're done freaking out. Then put your thoughts to just enjoying the experience and having fun and finishing. This is your first Marathon, so you don't have to try and beat a PR. Just soak everything in and have a good time. I know you can do it and you'll do awesome! Think happy thoughts! Can't wait for your report!

Teamarcia said...

Easy killer, it will all be fine. Even in the freakish heat in 2007, Chicago was an awesome race with some of the best fans anywhere.
Shut out the self doubt. YOU CAN DO THIS! Let me know if you'll be at the expo on Sat., hopefully we can meet.

KK @ Running Through Life said...

Have a great time and enjoy yourself!!! You can do it!!!!!

Carly said...

I have complete confidence in you. I think you need to remember that just crossing the finish line is a huge accomplishment, a bigger accomplishment that most people have ever accomplished.

Anonymous said...

Good luck on Sunday! I'll be there running my first marathon EVER too, and I'm a ball of nerves as well :(

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

Please oh Please try to RELAX.. Your body will thakn you for it.. Nerves are adding extra stress on your body, burning valuable fuels that you will need to tap on race day. you know you are going to run it, you know you are going to finish, put one foot in front of the other... it is the easiest thing in the world to do.. RELAX.. Will leave you a high five tomorrow.. Hugs to FIRST MARATHONS!!!

TutuRunner said...

My tummy has been going NUTS all week! Aaaahhhhh! You can do it! We can do it! It's not about time. If it's your first then you're guaranteed a PR. It's a beautiful thing :)

Kim said...

You're going to do great in Chicago and have a blast :)

Jill@Run for the Hills said...

OMGOODNESS!! Thank you so much Stephanie!!

Chicago is my hometown and I have several friends running this weekend as well. You will do great. I am new in my running obsession, but my best advice is to just live in the moment. Chicago has awesome energy and those midwestern peeps will keep you going! GOOD LUCK!!!

Jill@Run for the Hills said...

PS. Am I an idiot? I can't find your email address anywhere...mine is jill dot hassen at gmail dot com. :)

Molly said...

you are going to do just great! I ran my first last month and still can't believe it's over! Enjoy every moment, you worked hard for it!!! Good Luck!!!

Kim said...

Don't be nervous! Just go out there and aim to have fun, and take it all in like you said!

What are you wearing? Maybe I will bump in to you!

Running Diva Mom said...

Stephanie -- I've been thinking of you this morning. I know you are having a blast right now. That crowd support in Chicago ROCKS!!!! The race is awesome ... and so are you ... I be you're feeling fabulous right now. Enjoy the moment!!

BTW -- You've won something on my blog -- please check it out and send me your contact info. Congrats, and thanks for following my journey!!

roaa mohamed said...

افضل شركة لنقل الاثاث من الرياض عاصمة المملكة العربية السعودية الى ابها
نعتمد على معدات حديثة تجعلنا نضمن لك عدم حدوث أخطاء أثناء عملية النقل والفك والتركيب كما أن خبرتنا في هذا المجال تجعلنا الأجود فلا تتردد سيدي في الإتصال بنا ونقل أثاثك من خلالنا فنحن الأولى بأن نكون محل ثقتك ولكي تنضم إلى قائمة العملاء المميزين الطويلة والذين تعاملوا معنا وحصلنا على رضاهم وراحتهم وقاموا بتقييمنا بأحسن تقييم واشتركوا معنا في عروض وخصومات خاصة بهم وخدمات مميزة أخرى يمكنك التعرف عليها بواسطة خدمة العملاء وهذه العروض فريدة لعملائنا ولن تجد مثيل لها، أسعار مغرية فريدة تناسب جميع الأفراد وتتناسب مع إحتياجاتهم وحجم التكلفة يعتمد على عدد القطع المنقولة وعدد العربات والعمال.

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