Friday, June 11, 2010

2010 Chicago Marathon Training Plan

Hi All,
A few of you have asked what type of training plan I will be following for my marathon training this summer.  I think we are going to be using the Nike Running Plan, but will only be doing 3 runs/week.  Four runs a week is just too much for me to fit in and stresses me out.  I want to do a plan that will work for me and I will stick with.  I know that I am going to have to make sure I get in the 3 runs, plus like I mentioned we will hopefully be including some speed work into the training.  It sounds like this can really help!
I hope to continue to do some cross-training, to include Body Combat, weights and/or the 30 Day Shred, but I am really going to focus on the running.  I tried to do too much during 1/2 marathon training, and this sometimes caused me to skip my running days because I was too tired or felt guilty for being gone another evening.
I will see how this training plan works.  I am going to be printing out my own calendar for each month and writing in each of my runs/workouts to help keep myself accountable.  I also want to really watch my calorie intake during this training...running makes me sooo hungry, but I know that just because I ran that day, I can't just eat whatever I want, and as much as I want.  I need to really watch this, so hopefully this time around I can lose some weight, and keep it off.
So, for now that is my plan.  This week it calls for 2-4mi runs, 1-5mi run and a 6 mile run.  I will only be doing 1-3 to 4 mile run, 1-5 mile run and the 6 mile run next Saturday. 

Happy running this weekend!


Tricia said...

sounds great, thanks for sharing!

Valerie said...

When I ran a full, my training program only called for three runs a week and I totally felt prepared for my long runs (which alternated long and longer runs...every other Saturday was a 6 mile or 8 mile run and the opposite Saturday was longer). It was really nice b/c you knew that every other week, you got somewhat of a break from the double digit mileage on the long runs. Good luck to you!

Teamarcia said...

Sounds like a good plan! As long as you make your 3 runs 'count' ie: speedwork, tempo and long, you'll be totally fine. Cannot believe it's already time to start!

misszippy said...

Sounds like you found the right plan for your needs.

Thanks for the heads up on my blog comment issue--got it all fixed! I'm counting your comment as an entry though!

Anonymous said...

planning according to your own schedule and wants/needs is the best thing. otherwise, you over plan and then feel guilty that you are not doing those miles.

Good luck!!

Alicia said...

Good luck in your training! I just started training for marathon #2 and have chosen a different training plan this time around with only 3 runs a week. It's a FIRST plan. I used it for my last half and it helped me set a 5 my PR. You can definitely get all the training you need in 3 runs a week.