Monday, July 26, 2010


Yes, this past Saturday in the 88 degree heat at 6am, me and my two friends set out to do 12 miles...I mean, with that kind of distance, we should have just done a full 13.1, but I tell you...with the heat and the humidity, I was sooo ready to be done, done, done at mile 12.
The first 6 miles, I was feeling really good!  We talked and took in the scenery!  We were out at Creve Coure Park, where we have run before, but because it was only an 8 mile loop we decided to go off the of park path and head towards Katye Trail.  There were a few hills, but we knew coming back we would be able to go down those hills!!!  The first 1.5 miles were pretty much in the shade.  The next 4.5 were not.  At the half way point we fueled, stretched a little and set out to head back.  This is where I started feeling really, really dizzy!!! 
Oh yeah, back up a minute...I bet you are wondering what the "Idiots" mean...well, we were running on this dirt trail, around mile 6.5.  We were three across, and we saw a biker coming up on us...pretty far away!  My friend Kris was on the side left, where she would have to be the one to move over...So, as we see him, again, pretty far away, he starts screaming..."ARE YOU GUYS GOING TO MOVE, OR AM I GOING TO HAVE TO RIDE RIGHT THROUGH YOU!?!?"  Kris moves over and he then flys past us screaming "IDIOTS!!!"  My response..."How Rude!!!"  I kind of, sort of hate bikers.  I just feel like they are always rude, and this just firmed up my thinking!!!
Anyways, back to the run...We stopped again around mile 9, and I was feeling it!  I was almost out of water, and was really dizzy, and hungry!  I took the last of my Chomps, swigged a little of my friend Becki's gatorade, and we were off to finish the last 3 miles.  The dang problem was the HEAT!  It was just sooo hot, and without any shade, it was horrible.  I kept having to close my eyes to keep my eyes from getting blurry!  I ended up stopping once and walking a little, and I told Becki and Kris to keep going, but as soon as we hit 10.5 miles, we were back on the shaded trail, and I felt sooo much better!  We finished up the 12 miles in a little over 2 hours.  I was sooo excited to get in the air conditioning of my car and to get some water!!!  I was sooo thirsty!
I am glad to have it done, and I did another 4.5 miles this morning on the treadmill, and felt pretty good!  This weekend calls for only 7 miles.  I just hope this 90+++ heat goes away soon...It sure makes for horrible trainings!!!
How was your runs this weekend?
Also, I know there are sooo many giveaways going on in bloggy world, and we all LOVE them!!!  I was contacted by someone at Giveaway Scout about having my giveaways advertised with them, when I am having them.  This will promote more traffic to my site, plus I can go on Giveaway Scout and see what giveaways are going on in the cyber world.  If you like giveaways as much as I do, check them out!  You can even sign up to have giveaways in the categories that you choose emailed to you when a new giveaway is posted. 

Have a great running week!  I have a 5 miler, a 6 miler and a 7 miler on the schedule this week!  Hope it cools down so I can enjoy them!

{If you would like YOUR product or website featured on "Girls Just Wanna Go Run" please email me at}


suzy, said...

Yikes! 12 miles in this heat, be careful out there! :)

Becka said...

Yuck. I don't like rudeness at all, but that sounds totally uncalled for! I don't mind cyclists as long as they have a bell or yell out the whole "on your left" thing.

Christina said...

Dizzy isn't good. Be careful.
Twelve miles in the heat? Awesome good job!
Rudeness? That dude needs some endorphins.

racing dawn said...

Its crazy how fast the sun can effect you so quickly! I had the same thing happen this weekend during a race! Way to pull through!

misszippy said...

Sorry the heat got to you...and sorry you encountered rude cyclists! Hopefully all will be better this week when you're out and about.

Megan said...

I had the same problem on my 8miler on Friday. It was ROUGH.

Molly said...

that is so obnoxious! Sorry to hear you got dizzy, the weather this time of year is can be so hard to run in.

Pahla said...

It's funny - when I'm riding my bike I can't believe how rude the runners are, taking up the whole trail, and when I'm running I can't believe how rude the bikers are, flying past me and taking up the whole trail! LOL. Sorry you got yelled at, though, because that's always uncalled for! Great job powering through your hot run!